Scott Painting Coach 1001
Readers with long memories may recall that back in 2006, Wayne Hebert began the tedious process of repairing the rusted window posts. Complicating the work was the need to refrain from taking apart any more than could be repaired in a week or two so the car would be available for charters and events. Concurrent with the window posts, Scott Dimartino repaired the roof and clerstory vents. By late 2008 attention had turned to replacing large sections of the carbody ends. In 2009, Eric Seamans made a complete set of windows, which were installed by Paul Horgan, Mike Camera and the Freinds of the Valley Railroad. Kevin Narin was hired as a dedicated worker. His job was to remove the bottom 10 inches of the carbody and replace it with new steel. Rivets were replaced with round head screws with the slots filled with bondo after tightening. About80% of this work had been accomplished by the time the car was needed for "Thomas" service.
A final push to completion came in 2010. Even as Kevin finished the welding, Scott had begun applying body filler to the weld seams. Eventually, most everyone in the shop worked on sanding the carbody in preparation for painting.
Coach 1001 After Painting
Scott did much of the priming and painting in our new containment bag, which was set up alongside the shop. The finish coat used on the car was a DuPont automotive paint: FulThane. This is the same product used on the Dinner Train in 2000 (it has held up well).
Valley's New Containment Bag, 20X15X100 feet