Thursday, September 17, 2015

Track Update and Improvements

The Valley Railroad Company just completed a major project to improve its route of tracks in Essex, Deep River, and Chester. 32 hopper car loads of stone ballast, purchased from French River Materials in Thompson, CT, and delivered to our connection at Old Saybrook by the Providence and Worcester Railroad, were distributed along 6-1/2 miles of mainline track.
Work Extra 0901, crossing Chester Creek - Lee Carlson

C&G Surfacing Specialists were hired to laser align, surface, and "tamp" (force the stone ballast beneath the ties) the track. Valley Railroad has been replacing worn crossties for many years, and has very near 100% solid tie structure on this section, the most heavily used of the Valley mainline. This project was funded entirely by The Valley Railroad Company.

The tamper at Dock Road, Chester, with the ballast regulator following. - Lee Carlson
Tamping at Milepost 9 - Lee Carlson
Valley undertook this project to both improve the ride quality for our guests, as well as to better preserve our historic train equipment by having it roll over smoother track. Although we only operate our trains at 20 MPH (and have no intent on changing that) the quality of the track would now support trains of 45 MPH or faster.

Track expansion to the north has been steady, and our Essex Clipper Dinner Train now may operate to Milepost 13.25, which is a full mile north of the Route 82 crossing in Haddam.

Robert W. Bradway, Jr.
VP & Track Superintendent

Want to keep up to date on Valley Railroad Company track and rolling stock projects? Visit the I Like the Valley Railroad group on Facebook!