The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad never had a steam locomotive No. 3025. Their class J-1 Mikado 2-8-2s were numbered from 3000 to 3024 and none survive, in fact, no New Haven steam locomotive escaped the scrappers torch. But what if the New Haven had purchased one more steam locomotive and what if it had been saved? It might look like this concept drawing courtesy of former New Haven Railroad Historical Society President Alvin Lawrence.
The basis for the above is, of course, the Valley Railroad's "new" locomotive, recently purchased at an auction in Pennsylvania. While planning the rebuilding of the "new" locomotive, a number of employees and volunteers suggested that since we must build a new cab anyway, why not build a typical "US" style cab and while we're at it, make it look like a New Haven cab with the classic arched windows, and how about putting a New Haven "Sunbeam" headlight on it, and, and, and.
So, the plan is to modify the appearance of our "new" locomotive to resemble a New Haven class J-1 and incorporate as many "New Havenisms" as we can manage. Some of the J-1s even had "clear vision" tenders like ours (we'll modify the sides of ours to suit). When finished, No. 3025 will be a decent representation of New Haven steam power and right at home on a former New Haven branch line.
This is a perfect meld of "modern" Chinese steam technology, our railroad's history and the forward-thinking of Valley Railroad management and staff!
G.A. Cassidy
VRR Steam & Diesel Engineer
Bless your hearts. It will be a pleasant change and knowing the talent involved, it will be an attractive engine. Go for it!
Don Wirth
What a good idea! As long as the cab needs rebuilding, why not have some fun with it? Is the damage mostly cosmetic or will the loco need a rebuild? Will she become "right-handed" with the engineer on the "correct" side, or remain a left-hander?
Can't wait to see her running-congratulations on your new toy.
It's a modified Chinese SY class mikado
Reply to Mike Chapman: The engine was built with right hand engineer controls.
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